Maths Department

Necip Demir

Year 7 Maths

7B students enjoyed an activity outside of the classroom. Students played a game with their groups. Students improved their Fractions knowledge. Well done boys!

Year 8 Maths

Abdullah Sahin

Year 8A students worked really hard and did great job in the Semester Exams. Girls needed to study for 4 chapters including: Intergers, Fractions, Decimals, Algebra and 'Ratio and Rate'. Zeynep, Elis and Farah did really great job and finished in the top 3. Noor B. also studied very hard and was right on their tails. After the exam week, girls played downball to release their exam stress. Mr Abdullah played as well but was devastatingly beaten by S.Raja and Ceyda.

Bad luck Mr. Abdullah